Amelia Loftus eco home brewer

Eco-Brewing Writer & Designer

• Home brewing as an integral part of a self sufficient sustainable lifestyle •

Eco-brewing Beer and Food Recipes

Spent grain energy bars

I love to cook almost as much as I love to brew. I got the culinary passion from my mom, who has been cooking professionally most of her life, and is skilled at making delicious and nutritious meals with humble and economical ingredients. Good nutrition does not have to play second fiddle to taste, in my opinion!

As a small scale farmer I have access to the freshest ingredients. In addition to veggie crops and the occaisional harvest of organic free ranged poultry, I keep a kitchen herb garden full of thyme, sage, rosemary, parsley, and mint. We also have a small bay tree and a small lime tree, and are hoping the other fruit trees we planted last spring thrive and give us apples, plums, oranges, and avocados in the years to come.

For the moment this page is a work in progress. I have a ton of recipes, but finishing my book and web projects have kept me too busy to publish them all. I'll add here as time permits. If there is a recipe you really want to see, drop me a line and I'll do my best to get it up the next time I can spare a few moments!

Eco-Brewing Food Recipes

This is the start to a collection of from scratch recipes that are staples in my home. Many of these have beer as an ingredient, or spent grains! Cooking from scratch is more time consuming, but well worth the effort!

Eco-Brewing Beer Recipes

I have been developing home brew recipes for almost as long as I have been brewing, which is about 18 years. Due to an agreement with the publisher of my upcoming book I can not include many of the recipes that will be in the book, but I will post some here on a revolving basis!